This LARP is not a highly violent setting, other than the occasional bar brawl or duel on someone's honor. The setting is made for you to bring your existing favorite character and have fun with it - HOWEVER, we don't want any crazy powergamers (we all know they're out there) so please adjust your characters appropriately. You can of course also bring along an entirely new character you've made, if you so wish
If you're new to the party (pun intended) you might not have a character you want to play. You might not know how to make one - in any case fear not! We have a team of excited little goblins that can make one for you! Just fill out the form below and we'll get right on it.
We only offer this service to players who have already bought a ticket! And any character with plot connections should be in hand at July 1st the latest.
Should you wish to make one yourself you can download a blank character sheet right here.